about this blog:

This blog is one that possesses no coherent theme but serves as the plate for my food for thought. And the most wonderful thing about that metaphor is that I do not have to do dishes. I hate dishes...

Friday, January 4, 2008


Well, lately, I've been thinking about her a lot. Her chubby cheeks, her squinty eyes, her laugh, the way she just finds everything I say funny. But this is so long ago and I just keep playing the tape of my time with her over and over again. Why? Because I am in love with the idea that I could love her. When I'm with her, my worries go away, but I never even got to spend so much time with her. But have you ever felt that feeling like man I know there's something special going on here, and you just don't want to let go? Areum Han if your reading this I just want you to know, I think it's about time I forget you and move on. Because I just can't wait for you anymore, and give up my happiness for a few moments. I'm not going to call you anymore and just get the voicemail, I'm not going to try, I'm gone. Sae Rang Hae Yo.


Louie said...

quite the bold move

Unknown said...

yeah i been thinking too anrong im proud of your move =)

J00n00t said...

you know its me you r e a l l y want