about this blog:

This blog is one that possesses no coherent theme but serves as the plate for my food for thought. And the most wonderful thing about that metaphor is that I do not have to do dishes. I hate dishes...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Intel quits One Laptop Per Child

I wont get into the absolute stupidity of this program. And if anyone has seen the commercial for this program with that dumbass Korean from 'Heroes' , with him saying 'help a child... buy them a laptop...' (well im paraphrasing), its hard not to laugh at this program.

Hey, I have a idea in all seriousness; how about one toilet per child?

In Kumasi, Ghana, a country which privatized public toilets in the 1990s, private toilet use once a day for a family costs 10% of the basic wage.

In Kenyan slums such as Mathare it costs 6 cents (US) for every visit to a privatized toilet: this is too expensive for most poor people, who prefer to defecate in the open and spend their money on water or food.

Source:World Health Organization

Read the full article on Intel's failed program here