about this blog:

This blog is one that possesses no coherent theme but serves as the plate for my food for thought. And the most wonderful thing about that metaphor is that I do not have to do dishes. I hate dishes...

Monday, February 4, 2008

World Champions

I can finally say it for a team that I am rooting for. Nineteen Years going on Twenty later this month, I can finally say it. We're World Champions. Nothing sounds sweeter than that, and it doesn't get any better than this. The IMperfect Giants with the Quarterback that could(n't), the coach who should have been fired two years ago, a former Franchise Running Back turning his back on the team because HE believed that you couldn't, FUCK THAT THE WHOLE WORLD KNEW that you couldn't but here we are, Monday morning February 4th, 2008. We are the World Champions.

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