about this blog:

This blog is one that possesses no coherent theme but serves as the plate for my food for thought. And the most wonderful thing about that metaphor is that I do not have to do dishes. I hate dishes...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another All Nighter...

Finals are just around the corner...
Now for most people that means a lot of studying.
Maybe cramming plus a couple of last papers...
Well I have the heavy burden of studying for finals, writing two final 8+ page papers, and working hells balls in studio for a final presentation in Design. Couple that with Cad/Viz/Photoshop renderings the next week and a half will be a bitch.

But I made a couple of discoveries past few days.
First off I have discovered this:

Holy goodness they put STRAWBERRY CREME IN BETWEEN OREO COOKIES??? ARE THEY TRYING TO GET ME FAT??? They are limited edition and my roommate brought them from home a long time ago. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find them at any place in philly!!!! I was sad. Then one day my roommates and I went to target to buy "Charlie Wilson's War" on DVD (amazing movie btw) and my roommate thought he saw the special edition Oreos. But alas it was just Oreo "Double Stuffed". Right then there I uttered the words 'I will never ever taste those again.' Then as soon as we turned the corner to the next aisle there they were.... OREO STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE CREME cookies!!!!! I bought 4 packs. I will eat them until I am sick of them.

Also another food discovery. Well actually its beverage related. Dunkin' Donuts 710 ml extra large coffee with creme no sugar will absolutely make you hyper as a muthafucka. No fuckin' lie.

And the fact that the coffee actually kept me awake was amazing. Not the fact that I was going without sleep, but because of what I was doing. I had to write a 8 page paper on the 1947 United Nations general Assembly Resolution 181 on the Future Government of Palestine. Yeaaaaaahhhh. Sounds fun doesnt it????? Heres a LINK to the actual document. Its a good read.... cough cough... NOT... cough cough...

And lastly Lyfe Jennings came out with his latest LP yesterday without much fanfare. Its entitled "CHANGE" and even though it does not contain any classic material overall as a composition I do believe it is his strongest album as a whole. I cant stress how much I admire Lyfe Jennings. His music has so much emotion and content while still maintaining his lyrical mastery and overall flow. Most people in the music industry are so fake. Just in it for the money and they all sound the same. Some people have the incredible gift of using music as a medium of communicating emotions that have no strength on just words alone. I will be reviewing his album very soon and please go out and support good music, you will not be disappointed. The coffee I drank combined with listening to his album all night on repeat had writing that paper very much less painful.

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